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February 10, 2025 newsletter


Good morning! Here I am this morning, after a rousing session at the gym, still trying to wipe all the sleep out of my eyes. I stayed up too late watching the Superbowl (or, as our daughter calls it, “that sportsy-ball thing you and Daddy like”). Not that the game went so late, but I couldn't settle down afterwards for quite a while. Mike and I met in Philadelphia when we were both in school. So I suppose you can guess which team has our hearts!

We have a couple of things to catch everybody up on this week:

  • Both the dinner and the pantry have been running very smoothly. Our new space is very well designed for our current programs, and even though it's been an adjustment, our team is learning to navigate the new workflow. We are especially happy to have already had a few new families find us, and also to have a few new people join our volunteer pool!

  • Laurie S brought us large batches of homemade cookies on Saturday. The new families were touched. The “old” families were thrilled. Everyone was happy! Thank you to all of you bakers for this labor of love, and Laurie informed everyone today that if the cost of eggs was becoming a problem for anyone, there is a generous soul who has decided to buy them for any bakers who need help. Isn't that a lovely thing to do?

  • Kathleen needs a few people with strong arms, legs, and backs to help move a few heavy items that were displaced in our move. They need to be placed in a truck for removal, some weekend soon. Please contact her directly if you'd be able to help with this: koconnor20 at yahoo dot com

A really important thing is coming up next week: we will be buying and delivering the pantry items needed to set up the communal kitchen at the migrant shelter here in Ayer. You may remember that we received grant money to do this, and then had to put it off for a month while we moved. Jessica R, the shelter manager has asked that we do the donations in installments rather than all at once. That means if you can't make it every time, you can still be involved! I have a list of people who have already contacted me to help (Alison E, Rich E, Mich H, Denise S, Paula S, and Lois Y). If you're not on this list, and you want to help, please email me back right away! Our target date for the first installment is Wednesday February 19.

If you can shop for us this week, we are low on a few items: ramen noodle packets, baked beans, canned pasta, 18oz containers of oatmeal, jelly, and boxed instant potatoes. We can take drop-offs at the pantry (through the gray door next to the parking lot on Cambridge Street) on Wednesdays from 10 to noon, Fridays from 4 to 5, and Saturdays only from 9 to 10. Please note that these are shorter hours than before, because of parking logistics. Please do not leave food at the door outside of these hours. The bin is always available at Shop n' Save if those times don't suit. Please leave a note in the bag with your name so we know whom to thank! We are located at 21 Washington Street, Suite C, Ayer MA 01432

Have a great week, and love to all of you!

Cartoon by the amazing Susie Esse
