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September 16, 2024 newsletter


Good morning everyone! Last week I shared with you all about the large amount of food we had to throw out, and how we had already seen monetary donations come in that would cover repurchasing the items, from people who had no way of knowing what had happened, mailed to us before we had even discovered the problem. Well, blessings continued to flow throughout the rest of the week and the weekend. Many of you reached out when you heard, and asked what you could do to help. We appreciate each and every one of you, and I want to reassure you that we are going to be fine. And so are the people we serve, which is the most important.

Other positive news:
  • We received word that we will be awarded one of the grants we wrote this summer. More on that in the future! 
  • Local superstar business Catania Oils, well known for their generosity, donated cooking oil for us to give out at the pantry (thank you Lisa!). 
  • Our coffee bar is going so well that we are going to add tea, decaf, and maybe more to the regular coffee and cookies. Stay tuned for more news about that too. There's a picture above of another local superstar, Debbie E, and her coffee klatsch. You do NOT have to be visiting the pantry in order to stop in and enjoy a cuppa with friends!

Are you part of an organization or business or church that would like to hear some of these stories presented? While I can give you lots of statistics on hunger and loneliness, we find that the stories are much more moving and put a human face on the numbers. Even if you belong to a group that we've spoken to before, there are lots of new stories every year. And we always honor confidentiality in the telling. If you'd like an in-house presentation, just let me know...we'll be happy to visit you!

If you can shop for us this week, we are particularly low on baked beans for some reason! We will also gratefully take any food items from our full list that you might find on sale. If you need the list, please let me know. We'll be at the pantry on Wednesday from 10 to noon, Friday from 4 to 5:30, and Saturday from 9 to noon for drop-offs. And the bin is always available at Shop n' Save if those times don't suit. Please leave a note in the bag with your name so we know whom to thank!

Have a great and glorious week, and I love you all!

Health + Peace,
