I know that I often mention the homemade cookies and how much we appreciate the wonderful people who bake them, but unless you've been with us at the pantry, you just can't imagine what they mean to people. We talked with a lovely woman on Saturday who takes care of her two grandchildren during the weekdays. Both parents are working, and they are struggling. So are these two retired grandparents, who are trying to keep growing kids fed. She told us that she just couldn't get over that someone would bake for them. Seriously...in many people's minds, cookies equal love. Laurie S, our cookie organizer, has sent out a new call for bakers, anyone who would like to join the Cookie Brigade, as we lovingly call it. I've attached her post here for you. You can contact Laurie directly, or email me and I'll get you in touch with her if this interests you.
I am so excited to give you this next update: the medical van is not dead! It's been so long since we had good news about this project, after it turned out that the original company in the negotiations didn't have the ability to follow through. Enter a new company, new negotiations, a great potential location, and the project has had new life breathed into it and MAY be moving ahead. You all know how slowly these things move though, with all the legalities that must be attended to. I'll share more as things become certain...I don't want to jump the gun here other than to say I am extremely hopeful, and I hope you'll join me in praying for success.
We need some plastic grocery bags if you have any to spare! They are getting harder to come by, as some of the towns around us have put plastic bag bans in place. We could buy them, but that sort of defeats the purpose of wanting to be responsible by reusing them. We may eventually have to move completely to paper bags, but for now, let's see what everyone has stockpiled that you can share :-)
If you can shop for us this week, we are in need of a few items: shampoo, conditioner, boxed mac + cheese, small jars of jelly (especially low-sugar varieties), soups (no fish or shellfish, please), and small boxes of plain instant potatoes. Any other food items from our full list that you might find on sale are also always gratefully received! We'll be at the pantry on Wednesday from 10 to noon, Friday from 4 to 5:30, and Saturday from 9 to noon for drop-offs. And the bin is always available at Shop n' Save if those times don't suit. Please leave a note in the bag with your name so we know whom to thank!
Have a wonderful week everyone!
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