Good afternoon everyone! I started to write “morning” and then figured out that there was no way I was going to be done by noon :-) After helping to get the pantry open on Saturday, I was kicked out by our crew so that Mike and I could start our trip to Maine a little earlier. I'm so glad we did, because we were driving (and staying) right in the path of the tropical storm. You know when the rain comes down sideways? Yeah, that's what we were in this weekend. But it was a beautiful time with friends, and I wouldn't have traded it for anything!
Before I get too carried away, I need to remind you that Dr Lydia McClure is coming to see us this evening from 7 to 8pm, to talk about nutrition, and how to get what you need from real foods rather than from expensive meal replacements and supplements. Since we are simultaneously working to get our pantry bags more healthy, we're really excited about her visit. No need to register...just come. There will be plenty of room. I think this will be a really good program for children, tweens, and teens too.
Also, Debbie E will be leading our Craft Gathering this coming Saturday, October 14. from 10 to noon. This is another family-friendly program, with no registration required. The featured project this month is scratch art, and all of the materials, tools, and stencils are provided. There is never a fee for any of our programs...just come and enjoy. You can drop in and out as your schedule allows, and refreshments will be provided!
Other wonderful things that are going on now:
The math tutoring has started up again (thank you Carol!) and reading tutoring continues (thank you Elaine!)
A college student who worked with us during his high school years is looking to work in a food pantry near his school (we love you, Doug!)
There has been plenty of food for all of the people who have needed some extra help these past two weeks (thank you everyone!)
A local resident decided to use her keyboarding skills to actually find a room for a person who got displaced rather than to complain about it...imagine that! (thank you Em!)
We were able to provide a sleeping bag and air mattress for another displaced person who plans to move on, but needed some help for a few days and nights (thank you Brittany!)
I'm sure that other organizations have found the same thing in our current situation: a need arose and a supporter arose to fill that need. I am so thankful for all of you, people who stay out of the fray online and just help to do the work. We can even disagree on exactly what should be done, that is natural, but I'm so proud to know so many people who have put down the keyboard and dedicated themselves to helping others. I've shared on the SSK blog that one of my favorite quotes by the late great Mother Teresa is, "If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one." Same goes for helping people to find shelter, clothing, and other necessities. Help just one.
If you are able to shop for us this week, we will gladly take anything from the new list I sent out a few weeks ago. What we really could also use, though, are those encouragement cards to put into the pantry bags. As the days get shorter and colder, and local events heat up, our guests need to know that someone else is thinking about them. If you'd like to do this, just make or buy a card, and write a short message of encouragement on it. No envelopes are can even just write on plain paper if you'd like. Sign your first name, or just end with “A Friend” if you'd like. These cards mean a lot to the people who receive them. We'll be at the pantry on Wednesday from 10 to noon, Friday from 4 to 5:30, and Saturday from 9 to noon for drop-offs. And the bin is always available at Shop n' Save if those times don't suit. Please leave a note in the bag with your name so we know whom to thank!
I'll end today with a quote that really touched me when I read it several weeks ago. It was not posted in relationship to anything local, so it had extra special meaning for me:
I think loving our enemies includes not allowing them to steal our hope and productivity away from what we are striving for. I think it means turning the other cheek when they make their hostile comments and posts, then pray for them as we turn and put our energy towards the actual work of nonviolent, proactive change for the common good of all people, including them.
~ Ben Cremer
I love you all...have a wonderful week!
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