Stone Soup Kitchen opens at 4 pm on Friday evenings, located at Living Water Fellowship in Devenscrest, Ayer. It is open to ANYone who wants a good hot meal and some need to bring anything but yourself unless you want to! From 4 to 5, we are open for those who want to get together and socialize, do puzzles, or play games in the dining room. Our Friendsgiving Dinner is at 5:00. Our food pantry is open every Saturday morning from 10 to noon, same location. If you need food, or KNOW someone who needs food...please come pick some up. Email any questions to stonesoupkitchenministries @ gmail . com (remove the spaces) or leave us a private comment here. ANYone is questions asked. No registration, residency, income, or ID requirements. Special thanks this week to Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, Pauline Conley, Alison + Rich Enright, Nicole Thoen, Dave Johnson, Maureen Breault, Rebecca Myers, TINY'S Restaurant + Sharon Mauro, Patricia Madigan,...